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Non-invasive Low-cost Cardiovascular Activity Monitoring

We harness the power of technology to revolutionize the way we monitor heart function and diagnose cardiovascular diseases. By measuring the vibrations generated by cardiac activities such as valve opening and closure, we are able to noninvasively gather critical diagnostic information. Our expertise in computational models, signal processing, and machine learning allows us to accurately characterize these signals, leading to the development of innovative cost-effective methods for monitoring and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. With a focus on precision and accuracy, our work has the potential to improve patient outcomes and change the future of healthcare, particularly within low-income populations and underserved areas.


---- Electrocardiography

to measure electrical

activity of heart

---- Stethoscope

to record heart sounds

---- Accelerometer

to measure cardiovascular-

induced vibrations

---- Respiration Belt

to record respiration rate


Develop cost-effective methods for monitoring and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases based on cardiovascular-induced vibrations measured noninvasively on the body surface

Amirtahà Taebi

Amirtahà Taebi


Current members involved:

Sophia Ruckman
Jigar Bhatt

Past members involved:

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Jadyn Cook
Muneebah Umar
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  • Human subject studies

  • Signal and image processing

  • Machine learning

  • Computational fluid dynamics and finite element modeling

  • Sensor array design


Selected Publications

Other Publications

Ruckman, S., Taghva, F., Taebi, A. (2024). Parent-Centered Design: A Preliminary Usability Study on Newborn Home Cardiac Monitoring. 2024 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology.

doi not available yet

Mann, A., Rahman, M.M., Vanga, V., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A. (2024). Variation of Seismocardiogram-Derived Cardiac Time Intervals and Heart Rate Variability Metrics Across the Sternum. ASME J of Medical Devices 18(4): 044502.
doi 10.1115/1.4066368

Mann, A., Gamage, P.T., Kakavand, B., Taebi, A. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Sensor Location On Seismocardiography-Derived Cardiac Time Intervals. ASME J of Medical Diagnostics.
doi 10.1115/1.4063203


Ruckman, S., Bhatt, J., Cook, J., Gamage, P.T., Kakavand, B., Taebi, A. (2023). Design, Prototype, and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Multimodal Device for Cardiovascular Monitoring. ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, V005T06A022. 
doi 10.1115/IMECE2023-112486


Mann, A., Kakavand, B., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A. (2023). Effect of Measurement Location on Cardiac Time Intervals Estimated by Seismocardiography. ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, V005T06A070. 
doi 10.1115/IMECE2023-112702


Mann, A., Cook, J., Umar, M., Khalili, F., Taebi, A. (2022). Heart Rate Monitoring Using Heart Acoustics. ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, V004T05A069.
oi 10.1115/IMECE2022-96824


Khalili, F., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A., Johnson, M.E., Roberts, R.B., Mitchell, J. (2021). Spectral decomposition of the flow and characterization of the sound signals generated through stenoses of different levels of severity. Bioengineering 8(3): 41.
doi 10.3390/bioengineering8030041


Khalili, F., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A., Johnson, M.E., Roberts, R.B., Mitchell, J. (2021). Spectral decomposition and sound source localization of highly disturbed flow through a severe arterial stenosis, Bioengineering 8(3): 34.
doi 10.3390/bioengineering8030034


Taebi, A., Sandler, R.H., Kakavand, B., Mansy, H.A. (2019). Extraction of Peak Velocity Profiles from Doppler Echocardiography Using Image Processing. Bioengineering 6(3): 64.
doi 10.3390/bioengineering6030064

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