Haleigh Davidson
Undergraduate Student
in Biomedical Engineering
Team member between
Nov 2021 - May 2023
Developing personalized treatment methods based on numerical simulations
Haleigh Davidson joined us as a junior undergraduate. She was majoring in Biomedical Engineering and double minoring in Mathematics and Global Engineering Leadership. She was a part of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity, National Society of Black Engineers, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Girls Engineering Change, Society of Women Engineers, Biomedical Engineering Association of Mississippi State, and served as a Resident Advisor for Mississippi State University Department of Housing and Residence Life. Haleigh hopes to participate in sustainable humanitarian engineering efforts and international developments. She also has an interest in ethical engineering and bioethics.
PhD Student at MSU BME Program
Davidson, H., Scardino, B., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A. (2024).
Variations of Middle Cerebral Artery Hemodynamics Due to Aneurysm Clipping Surgery.
ASME J of Medical Diagnostics 7(1): 011008.
doi 10.1115/1.4063204
Davidson, H., Scardino, B., Hollingsworth, L., Gamage, P.T., Taebi, A. (2023).
A Comparative Study of Middle Cerebral Artery Hemodynamics Pre- and Post-Clipping of Cerebral Aneurysm.
ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, V005T06A069.